One of the caves/underground creek just below the building can see the trailer has been moved to the front of the property to plug into the elec. and septic.
** This is too funny! Darian slept 3 hours in the trailer last nite..she's going to a motel tonight! She said..when did I become a "girly girl"? I said..when were you NOT? There were a number of reasons they didn't sleep last night..Larry is addressing them today, but they'll get a good night's sleep tonight..and then back to the trailer. SMILE!
Takes a little tweaking to get all the "bugs" out. The hot water heater was not getting the water warm..just room temp. The new foam bed was just unpacked yesterday, so foam fumes! Forgot the sheets..etc. They'll have that all ironed out today..get a good night's sleep and shower and be all set to spend some time in the "construction" trailer! :o) My baby girl (40 yrs. old)!