Sunday, February 5, 2012

Another of Mr. Billy's Tonka Toys..leveling the building site.

"One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides." ~W.E. Johns

The name of the property (26 acres) is Rolling Meadows Orchard.  We have embroidered hats, so it's official!  


  1. Opened a fortune cookie last night: "The path of life shall lead upwards for you". Could that be to Rolling Meadows Orchard? Makes me smile!

  2. I love the name. How exciting to begin the first step in your building plans. You will be planting an orchard? Or is there one there already?

  3. We've been planting dwarf fruit trees for 2 yrs. We also planted black walnut trees and hazelnuts Spring 2011. The hazelnuts didn't take, and only half the black walnuts. We have lots of space and will be planting more trees this Spring. Thanks for your comment. The crickets receded into the background a little! :o)
