Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hah! I did not know..the tulip poplar is the STATE TREE in Tn.! Lol! They are my fav. up there..besides the cedars.  And they come up like weeds all over the property.  I'm going to try to move them around..landscape! 

Passion flower is the state flower..I've never seen any there..will have to introduce some to the property..maybe in my courtyard garden. And then, the real state flower, which is not the official flower, is the daffodil..they're everywhere!


  1. Just found your blog in some sort of round-about way from the Rural Thursday blog hop. I,too, am an Army brat - two tours in Germany, one in Japan. I, too, turned 20 in 1967. (wonder if we ever went to school together?) And, we are working our way back to the land. Small world, no? Can't wait to follow your adventures.

    1. My name was Sheila Allen..I lived in Germany right after WWII..stationed in Ft. Knox (Elizabeth Town Ky.) 4th grade, back to Germany 5th/6th/7th grades..8th/9th/10th in Ft. Leonardwood, Mo. Back to Germany..Wurzburg Germany 11th/12th/and another school year 1967 (my sister graduated '67 in Wurz.) Then we left fall of '68 and dad went to Vietnam..we went "home" to Indiana (where we'd never lived before!). Have our path's crossed? :o)

  2. Thinking you are going to have so much fun with new plants and trees in your new home. :)

    1. I'm itching to be there! My daughter just came by to say gooodbye..they're heading up there this afternoon. Pole barn going up next week. They'll be staying in an RV on the property now that water and sewage have been hooked up. I want to go so bad, but had surgery earlier this week and not really ready to WORK yet! I have been looking at hydrangeas..and I want to plant peonies right away!! Haven't been able to enjoy peonies for many years. They won't grow in the South!

  3. I am also on facebook @!/shewurz66

  4. Hi Sheila. We're neighbors, I live in Kentucky. I like tulip poplar trees too, so pretty. We have the passion flowers goin on our property, when I 1st saw them I had to look em up, didnt know what they were.

  5. I haven't seen any yet, Jennifer, and I've been all over the 26 acres..except up on the ridge which is all forested. We are definitely neighbors..I'm about 15 miles from the Cumberland Gap tunnel!
