Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Daughter and her husband are heading to Tennessee again this week..the pole barn is being raised!  I just had surgery so me and the hubby will not make this trip.  Surgery was just removal of lypomas, but I was feeling a sense of mortality. Both parents were gone by the age of 65.  I am 65 this year.  I don't want to sit here in this condo waiting for "old" age.  "Old" being relative of course.  I want to build gardens again, grow some of my own food, walk through the hills, play in the dirt, dance in the rain!  That's really what this move is all about! 


  1. Love this... "I want to build gardens again, grow some of my own food, walk through the hills, play in the dirt, dance in the rain!"

    Thats what life is all about ;)

  2. It's a dream, Jennifer. Fraught with lots of "real life" stuff, but one I believe we will see come true. The pole building is going up in the next week. Daughter and her husband are on their way up again, as we speak. They expect to start on the house later this Spring. Pooling funds and resources makes the dream more of a reality.
