Whew! Where has the time gone? We moved up here..to the Cumberland Gap area of Tn. late last Summer. Moved into our completed Mother In Law suite just the week before Christmas..and here we reside, now! Still can't believe the breathtaking views out every window. Cannot believe the goats, pigs, horses, and chickens that have multiplied on the property in the last year.
Didn't realize how much strength and energy I had lost during our 5 yrs in the condo in Fl. Mostly because of my knees. Am now recouperating from full knee replacement surgery and expect to have the other one done by Fall.
My Bedroom....
My front "porch".....
Hubby's office..he works from home, online..
New foal this Jan..
Where I spent my birthday, with my daughter..thank you Hubby!
Have wanted to post some updated photos here since we moved into the house. So, we'll try this again. January's posts seem to have been relegated to the ether..or some other internet dimension!