Sunday, May 6, 2012

April visit to Tennessee 2012

 I just wrote this on another's blog:  I have to say..I try to catch up on a few blogs about once a month or so. I just signed in to update my blog, which I haven't done for over a month. It's so easy to get caught up in other things..and I don't just mean the mundacity of life..I mean facebook..reading..watching old movies. Lazy, entertaining, immediate gratification. I'm sorry I'm not more supportive of the blogs I follow..and that I'm not more creative on my own.

I had just signed in to add a note and pictures about and of our last trip to Tennessee and the property.  I read the other blog and realized, I'm not just lazy and forgetful about my own blog..but about the blogs that I follow.  Many have links from Facebook, and I'll link over and read an article or comments..and then link back to Facebook, not realizing that I never left a footprint on the other comment..not even a thanks for the smile, or an atta boy/girl.  Sorry about that!  It's partly lazyness, I think..and partly that thing we've developed, and raised our children with..the need for immediate gratification/entertainment. 

We call this the "tree of life"!  Looks like

Fencing the orchard..

What is it about blue birds!?  I love them...

Went into the 20's 2 nights and all the blooms frosted..including in the orchard! This little, old, gnarled dogwood suffered!

Darian mowing the orchard..

The first building (the shed)..built by Larry, with a little help from his cousin, cousin's wife and son, and Darian..I mowed!  :o)

The new building..this trip was to pour the cement floor..

If you look closely, you can see both Larry and Darian mowing!

On the road to Virginia...

On the road to Virginia...

Livestock dog..Great Pyranees, and below, the goats..I LOVE these dogs!  They're like polar bears!

Deer prints down by the lake..deck side of the lake rental..

Larry's tractor finally made it from Florida to Tn.

Self explanatory..yes? 

Bebe has turned into the BEST travel buddy ever!  Bebe's 2nd trip with us.  For a rescued little sad sack, she's turned into the best little companion ever!

From the lake rental deck.
So..back to our last trip to Tn.  We (daughter's family and my own) rented the lake house in New Tazewell, Tn. that we like so much.  It' costs about the same as one hotel room, and we sleep 4 to 6 or more people there, comfortably, and less expensively than we would using a motel.  The blue birds were busy feeding their babies.  The swallow was feeding her nest in the deck eaves.  They were all so busy we were able to get lots of pictures.  Bebe discovered and chased a few rabbits.  She was SO full of herself over that!  Saw a few deer, but not at the lake as we have in previous visits.  The property is developing nicely.  Lots of mowing whenever we go up.  Darian worked herself to the point of exhaustion this trip..Larry put up a solar elec. fence around the orchard to try to keep the deer out..we'll see how that works.  More fruit trees were added. The cement floor was poured in the pole building.  And then we all piled into one car and drove to Virginia (ha, ha..about 25 miles or so) to visit a goat farm one day.  Lots of fun!  So, I've posted some of the better pictures, and comments.  And thank you, whoever reads this..